Monday, August 10, 2015

10 Reasons Why It's Okay To Fail Sometimes

When things aren't going your way, all you have to do is look at the bright side.

There are times when we ask ourselves: Why is life so unfair? We work hard continuously, yet things never go our way. At very early ages, we have been taught that it's never good to fail, which is why we always beat ourselves up for it. Life has its way of biting us in the butt and it leaves us thinking that it is never going to let go, until we realize that there was actually something better for us—something that makes failure worth going through. Here are some of those lessons that will help you realize that it is indeed okay to fail sometimes.

 1  We all fail at times.

Failure is inevitable, we can't control it! As J.K. Rowling once said, "It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default." With how great power comes great responsibility, life comes with failure. At the end of the day, it's all about how you're going to handle it.

It reveals your weaknesses.

When you have a better idea of your weaknesses, you will be able to learn how to convert them into strengths. As failure reveals your weaknesses, it helps you become stronger as well.

 3  Failure makes you stronger.

After you've failed once, twice, or countless of times, you won't be so afraid of it anymore. Fear is your biggest enemy because it will keep you from going beyond what you think you can actually do. Remember, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

Failure gives you experience.

We all know that not everything is going to work the way we want them to. In order to get better, you have to open yourself; be willing to explore more horizons. That makes valuable experience—experience that can be used as room for improvement. When you've had a taste of something better, you'll learn how to move on and find something more fulfilling.

You take more chances.

The best way to guarantee that we won't fail is to not try, but isn't that a failure on its own? Some may give up after a few tries but that just means that they have given up on their ambitions and goals as well. You have to use that motivation to push yourself to take more chances and learn new things. It's time to quit playing it safe and start taking more risks!

 6  You learn from it.

Failure can be the teacher you'll learn from the most. It's safe to say that you may actually learn so much more from failure than you will from success. When you've figured out all the things you do incorrectly, you'll learn what you need improvement on.
 7  Failure helps your improve.
There is always room for improvement no matter how great you are at something. After you've failed, just learn how to bounce right back up and push yourself to become ten times better than you were before.
 8  Failure helps you discover new paths.
If one solution doesn't help you get what you want and where you want to be, doesn't mean that you should stop there. You just have to keep trying and trying until you find that perfect answer to the question you've continuously asked yourself. You might even be surprised with how easy you'll be able to solve your problem just by allowing yourself to fail.
 9  Failure will help you discover who you really are.
You will never realize all of your strengths and weaknesses in an instant, those will come while you're on your path to self-discovery. Through failure, we become better versions of ourselves because we learn how to build character and become the person that we wish to be.
 10  It helps you appreciate success more.
What's better than achieving success is knowing that you've worked hard for it. If you've faced a number of challenges and failure along the way, you will realize that all the hard work you've put into achieving the task will mean nothing compared to the feeling you'll get when you've accomplished what you had to do.

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